Brown Harris Stevens has been a trusted leader in the real estate industry since 1873 because we treat our agents and clients with exceptional care, service, and professionalism. Our success is driven by our results - we believe the role of a real estate agent is to put your interests first in guiding one of life’s most important investments with ingenuity and discretion while supporting the communities we serve.
Brown Harris Stevens Residential Sales and Brown Harris Stevens Residential Management, both premier service providers in the respective fields, work closely together. Their leadership in sales and management pre-dates the beginning of cooperative and condominium residential ownership in Manhattan. Now - as then - residential sales is an information and service business. Having a sister company in the business of residential management means having more information and results in better service to our clients. This is especially true in the case of cooperatives ownership.
Every residential property in the Brown Harris Stevens management portfolio is assigned to a highly-experienced, knowledgeable Brown Harris Stevens agent who serves as Broker Specialist to the property. The Specialist gathers information about current market conditions, sales transactions, building transfer requirements and building policies, as well as the physical layout of the building and the floor plans of the apartments to share with the buildings' residents.